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Adult Nationals

February 15 - February 16


Teams will be made up of 4 bowlers, the team will split to form 2 x doubles teams (and 4 singles).

3 games will be bowled in each discipline (Singles, Doubles, Teams), moving lanes after each game.

A / B Divisions – Using Adult STB Ranking Averages (If no STB average over nine games, highest league average must be declared) the divisions will be formed after all entries received to provide an even split from the participating field, in each event. Ladies will be awarded 8 pins per game, this will be added to averages before the division splits are made.

Bowlers who choose to play Singles & Doubles in squad 1 (Saturday) MUST be in the centre for 12:00 on Sunday for Team registration.

Surface Change Rule

Surface changes for the Nationals will only be permitted between each 3 game block (singles/doubles/teams).

Masters Qualification

The top 10 Men and Top 6 Women taken from All Events (full field of those eligible to represent Scotland) will be invited to play in the Nationals Masters on 13 April at MISC (detail to be shared with participants) = No entry cost

The Winners of the Masters will be determined by a round robin matchplay event, consisting of 9 games (men) / 5 games (women)

The Winners will be offered the opportunity to represent Scotland at the ECC in Austria, 20th – 26th October 2025

Those representing Scotland at the ECC (accepting the place) will receive the team fund gathered from the Nationals split 50/50 Men/Women

£80 per person – £320 per team.


February 15
February 16
Event Categories:
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Scottish Tenpin Bowling
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L.A. Bowl, Ayr
LA Bowl Ayr, Miller Road
Ayr, KA7 2AX
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