STB AGM 2020 Motion

STB AGM 2020 Motion

October 3, 2020 0 By webmaster

2020/2021 Members,

With ongoing restrictions and continuing uncertainty, we believe a physical AGM will be difficult to organise for all to attend. In similar vein to several other organisations, we would like to propose a motion to not hold an AGM for 2020, therefore extending the term of the current board of directors until the 2021 AGM.

We believe this will provide stability to steer our sport through these turbulent times; we recognise the significance of this motion.

The motion is carried if 50% or more, of all valid votes cast, vote YES to the above motion.

Please vote using the link below:

Voting closes on 18/10/2020 at 23:59 and results will be announced on 19/10/2020.

If this motion is carried, we will provide a comprehensive update on the past year’s activities at the STB Bulletin in January 2021.

STB Board