Category: Achievement

July 4, 2021 0

Double 300s

By webmaster

Congratulations to James Guthrie & Brian Gillespie both of which recently shot the perfect score of 300 after coming out…

June 24, 2018 Off

300 Game

By webmaster

Congratulations to Tania Yusaf for bowling a 300 Game in the AMF World Cup Qualifier in L.A Bowl, Ayr. Well…

September 20, 2017 Off

Breaking News!!

By webmaster

Tania Yusaf is the Qubica AMF Bowling Promotion Cup Singles Champion!!! Nice One Tania!!!

July 24, 2017 Off

300 Game

By webmaster

Calvin Murray rolled his first 300 Game in the Sportsmanship Games in Go Bowling, Dunstable at the weekend. Congratulations Calvin!!…